Saturday, 26 January 2019



Infrastructure development.:- Sports infrastructure like play grounds,exercise facilities,playing surfaces,can be developed as per the needs of the clients, for house holds [home gym,community gym,exercise facility for housing flats,exercise facility for corporate workers at their work spots. etc.]Assessment,consultancy,Planning,and implementation will be done as per the needs of the clients.
Sports excellence training:- Advanced training for performance excellence  with relevance to individual sports man’s/team’s needs.
Tennis :- Teaching ,coaching,infrastructure development.Individual tailor-made training programs for all ages ,gender for performance development and ranking improvement.
Sports and physical education :- Consultancy for  educational institutions, in the aspect of infrastructure, Program innovations for funds generation and sports excellence.
Corporate bodies:- Employee wellness programs, consultancy for life style changes, and fitness routines and man power support for personal fitness training.
Sports psychological support:-Interventions for better focus, stress management for professional sports men as well as for those in uniformed services., and students in adolescent ages and associated problems.
Obesity:- Life style modifications for weight management, suggestions for better eating habits,sleeping habits,exercise programs,psychological interventions for obesity management.
Sports coaches:-In service programs for sports coaches to enable them for the development of innovative programs for performance excellence in their respective games,sports.
Mobile:- 9443424950, 9445833950


             TENNIS SPECIFIC FITNESS :- Often this is viewed as a routine stretch,and other strength,endurance,speed and mobility building exercise routines  Trainers do it on a routine basis. This situation is often leading to more complications by wrongly executed exercises.Lack of proper planning for recovery and rest,un- monitored using of training gadgets like stretch cords,and other exercise machines in appropriately results in a condition called UNSYNCRONISED TRAINING and may lead to a LOP- SIDED DEVELOPMENT.This can be assessed easily when it is a problem connected with medio- lateral/anterio-posterior/or cephlo-caudal and can be corrected easily over a short period of time,and we can see the consequent improvement in performance.

             While the performance decline or injury- proneness is connected with unseen causes like DISCREPANCIES CONNECTED WITH INNER LOAD AND OUTER LOAD, OR THE TRAINING LOAD TAKEN BY APPENDICULAR SKELETION IS HURTING THE AXIAL SKELETON,the root cause diagnosis needs more careful obervation and analysis,necessitating the  involvement of professionals from MULTIPLE AREAS OF EXPERTISE ,like exercise therapy,a biomechanist ,kinesiologist,and as well as a tennis coach . OFTEN THIS IS NOT HAPPENING IN MANY OCCASSIONS, And players after reaching a certain level, remain stagnant,or getting a periodical injury and fade away from competition,followed by surgeries,recuperation, recovery,associated psychological problems,kind of situations.

            And at last,kids at the formative years of tennis training get a lot of injustice by this situation,and parents should be made aware of this, which requires better eduation of coaches,parents,and the tennis fraternity for better results.It is possible to conduct in service programs,seminars,and other type of interactions,presentations with the stake holders and WE CAN improve the situation for better results.