Sunday 15 March 2015


         TS FITNESS: Often it becomes mandatory for the professionals in this area of operation to examine/assess the general fitness,tennis skill level separately on individual players objectively to enable their work goes well and appropriate to the individual needs. Often tennis coaches fail to train their wards all the parts of the game equally and this situation may, during match situations subject the players to undergo undue strain and stress while facing an oppenent who is equally good at all the strokes. To such players if TS fitness component of ''tennis specific explosive strength'' is focussed and trained ,the training may go lopsided and the end results may not be as desired.SEE THAT AN INDIVIDUAL PLAYER IS GOOD AT ALL THE ''COMPARTMENTS'' OF THE GAME SKILL,SAY BACKHAND TOP SPIN,FLAT,AND SLICE AND HAS GOT THE CAPASITY TO USE IN COMPETITIVE SITUATIONS.BEFORE SUBJECTING TO TS FITNESS TRAINING.Any questions please..?   

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